This website is a portfolio of my work.
Since I entered the marketplace, the job application process has undergone many changes. Gone are over-the-transom employment applications. Electronic forms often limit contextual space for important background data.
My goal is meant to provide a visual of my experience in both journalism and teaching. The crossover of each to the other is important.
If you would like more information, please leave a message via the contact form. As always, I am accepting additional writing and teaching jobs.
Read by Publication
Harford Sun newspaper
County edition of The Baltimore Sun newspaper. Award-winning stories
Baltimore Magazine
Regional general interest. News and features. Award-winning content.
final copy magazine
Official trade publication of Printing Industries of Maryland.
Area Colleges Online
Digital edition of The Baltimore Sun newspaper.
Kids Magazine
Published by Delta Graphics & Communications. Focus on people, places and things that affect parents.
Trade & Culture magazine
International. Bimonthly. Stories on global marketplace. Emphasis on business and culture of 23 trade zones worldwide.
Warfield's magazine
Business, legal and government news. Published by the Warfield family of Maryland. Publication of The Daily Record.
The American Legion magazine
National. General-interest monthly magazine for millions of military-service veterans.
The Sunday Weekly newspaper
General interest. Published by The Susquehanna Publishing Company.
Army Magazine
Professional journal devoted to military arts and sciences of the U.S. Army.
Baltimore Business Journal newspaper
Subscriber only. Published by American City Business Journals, largest publisher of metropolitan business newsweeklies in the U.S.
Towson Times newspaper
General interest weekly.
Harford Sun Newspaper